Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Why I Like to Read Math Books


Why I love to read math books:
The reason I love to read Math books … nobody ever spoils the ending for me.  When you are in public and reading a math book, someone will walk over and ask you “What are you reading?”  Don’t worry, just show them the title of the book.  They will get wide eyed, and start backing away carefully.  Sometimes they will suddenly decide to take up sports – like the 100 yard dash.
If you are walking to lunch, be sure to bring along a math book.  You can pull it out and act like you’re reading, then start talking about a theorem.  People will hear you, see you, and think you are crazy – but they will get out of your way and let you pass.  They will let you in front so they can keep their eyes on you.
And if you are in the library and accidentally leave your math book unattended for a few minutes, don’t worry – nobody ever steals a math book, especially when other kinds of books are available.


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